
Want to Meet This Guy? L.A. Folks, Meet Us at the Mixed Heritage Conference at UCLA!

It’s kind of funny who and how you meet folks. I met Philippe Koo on our fan page talking about how awesome Swiss Chard is. We bonded over leafy greens. Then I found out that he runs a You Tube channel called Team Mixed Show. But when I looked at his line up, I saw it was comprised of mainly Eurasian folks. I made a joke about it to him, and he admitted he’s in pretty desperate need of some brown people to talk about their mixed heritage and couples who are interested and/or involved in interracial relationships.

Philippe hails from Canada but is using his vacation time to film people and couples for his show. That’s where I come in. He wants me. And probably you, too.

We’ll be hanging out all day tomorrow filming for our channels at the Mixed Heritage Conference at UCLA, and if you’re around, you should come. If you’re single, you should come. If you’re married, you should come. If you’re biracial, you should come.


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