
QOTW, dating, teens, advice, video, flirting, relationships, black young women, black teens, curiosity, early dating years, confidence,

QOTW: 16 Year Old Girl Wants to Know Why White Guy...

The question… Hi Christelyn! My name is Brianna and I’m 16 years old and I’m also natural!. I am currently enrolled in a predominate...
teens, readers, dating, lessons, vetting, interracial dating, mixed relationships, advice, discussion, community, young black women, options, future, marriage, positivity,

A Letter from a Teenager Who Found BB&W

When I get notes like this, I swear, everything makes sense. So glad more girls and women are coming out of the shadows and telling their truth. And a...
dating, teens, interracial dating, young people, proms, Ebony magazine, stigma, stereotype, society, relationships,

Guess Who’s Coming to the Prom? EBONY Magazi...

Thank lawdbejeezus that today’s teenagers don’t have as many hangup about interracial relationships that the older folks seem to have. Acc...