
Guess Who’s Coming to the Prom? EBONY Magazine Releases Encouraging News About Teens and Interracial Dating

Thank lawdbejeezus that today’s teenagers don’t have as many hangup about interracial relationships that the older folks seem to have. According to this report in the April 2014 issue of EBONY, today’s youth just might put me out of a job, and I couldn’t be happier.

According to research conducted by Frank N. Magrid Associates, Inc., today’s teens are more likely to interact with a diverse circle of friends, and according to the Pew Research Center, 15 percent of new marriages in 2010 were interracial, compared to 6.7 percent in 1980. These statistics, along with the growing trend of interracial couples seen in pop culture (i.e. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, Scandal’s Olivia Pope and President Fitz, and John Legend and Christine Teigen), are a reflection of the growing trend of teenagers dating outside of their race.  Inside the issue, readers will learn the impact this has on society and how race overall is impacting the country.

However, also in the issue is a discussion about the backlash of interracial dating in social media. Le sigh…I can only imagine. What I find is that the biggest backlash often comes from the very community magazines like EBONY serve. But overall, it’s an enlightening piece, of course leaning sorta heavy on how easy black boys can swirl and opposed to black girls. Oh, and the colorism and open contempt for black girls is real:

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This quote especially stood out:

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So it looks like black girls are getting the memo that they have options, and African Americans are in absolutely no danger of extinction. See? Everybody’s happy.

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