Want to Meet This Guy? L.A. Folks, Meet Us at the ...

It’s kind of funny who and how you meet folks. I met Philippe Koo on our fan page talking about how awesome Swiss Chard is. We bonded over leaf...
Swirlr, Swirling, Youtube, reality show, dating, mixed couples, entertainment, pop culture, blended families, interracial relationships,

Finally, the Dates! Episode #Four of “Swirlr...

Have some ideas how you think this is going to end?...

YES! Lupita N’Yongo Is People’s Most B...

How’s THIS for “fetishizing”… Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Praise heavens and a...
advice, anger, criticism, black women, silence, improvements, guilt, Ciara, opinion, insulted, black women angry, comments, dating, lifestyle, life lesson, stubborn, p

RANT: I Am So SICK of Black Women Throwing THEMSEL...

I’ll admit it. I watch car crashes and train wrecks on Facebook. I lurk on so-called “black empowerment” pages ran by people who thi...

All About Travel Tweet Chat TODAY that You Will No...

Later today will be the tweet chat of all travel tweet chats when we feature the flyest, flyers I know…the queens of international travel to an...
Michael Baisden, relationships, interracial dating, Swirling, Swirlr, blended families, mixed couples, biracial, radio, black women, holding on for marriage, black men won't marry black women, finding love, finding a mate, opening your options, black women having better, engagement, happiness, couples, families, diversity,

As If! Michael Baisden Asks Why More Black Women D...

Someone tagged me on this Facebook question radio personality, Michael Baisden posed… When I read it I almost couldn’t believe the questio...
health, food, pocket garden, nutrition, gardening, vegetables, organic, DIY, home, dining,

Cramped for Space, But Got a Fence? Consider ̵...

Urban gardening is coming into it’s own, and more and more innovative concepts are being developed so that more people can grow their own food n...

WTF Another White Artist Who Sounds Like a Black D...

Dang…I was listening to this guy in the car with the kiddies on the way to Easter service and I swear with that falsetto I pictured him to be a ...
Eve, marriage, engagement, celebrity, Maximillion Cooper, entertainment, interracial marriage, Hollywood

Eve is On Wedding Countdown to Becoming Mrs. Coope...

Once I was able to wade through the mass of ads and commercials to actually see what’s up, Madame Noire reported that Eve has just celebrated he...
Mineral Fusion, hair care, fashion, styling, news, appearances, CNN, interview, video, black women's hair, hair products, review

This Mineral Fusion BB Cream for Hair Saved My Loo...

As many of you know, I was on featured on HLN/CNN last March for Swirlr–the first multiracial, multicultural dating show…ever. The folks o...
condolences, BBW family, cancer, love, mixed couples, blended relationships, online community, life, living, love, taking chances,

Sad News: Former BB&W ‘Hottie’ Su...

I received some devastating news from my friend, Niki Chambers, who told me that my long-time Facebook friend and former “Hottie of the Week,...
Karyn Washington, beauty, solidarity, social media, black women, suicide, self esteem, depression, support, red lips, bodies of black women, politics, pop culture, beauty standards, hip hop, #DarkSkinRedLipProject, #NoBareLips30, Keiko Kaveri,

Dark Girls Can’t Wear Red Lipstick, Huh? #No...

Of course we all know about the recent passing of Karyn Washington, and her work to encourage black women to love their shade and her #DarkSkinRedLipP...
Swirlr, Youtube, video, series, advice, dating, interracial, mixed couples, Quintana, Kurt, black women, non black men, reality show, game show, marriage, mates, partners, chemistry, flirting, real life,

Episode of Three of “Swirlr” is Here! ...

In this episode, clients Quintana and Kurt interact with the candidates to test their chemistry. Kurt seems to hit it off with each of the three girls...

In This Version of “Rosemary’s Baby,&#...

One of my favorite 1960’s movies of all time is Rosemary’s Baby, a tale of financially struggling New York newlyweds whose luck inexplicab...