
Why Would You Date or Marry a Known Racist?

klan swirl

A couple of days ago I was led to a story on one of those white nationalists sites about a white racist who loves black women and is with one of the sweetest black women out there.  You know how the cartoons show eyes moving around in the head with that sound effect that kids enjoy so much?  Well that was me when I read it.  I can’t in good conscience share that link but if you look hard enough you will find it.

This man was saying how much he hates black men and agreed with racists on that deplorable site in every other way except for what they have to say about black women.  He justified his philosophies by explaining that black women were the only women who ever treated him nicely.  So it seems like he is an actual reject and can only find solace in the bosom of a sister.  Well now.  All I could do was shake my head.  Of course his fellow racists told him he had no place on their site.

You in BBWland know that I am reminded of a lot that I bring to you for your opinions and general discussion.  This is no different.  Back in October 2012, I posted the above pic in relation to a series that appeared in the Orange County Register relating to the rise in White Supremacist Groups in the area.

I was listening to a radio interview of David Whiting of the Orange County Register discuss his six part series on the rising number of white supremacists in Orange County.   I guess it should not have been surprising what Whiting surmised. 

A black or non-white man with a white woman could be targeted for an assault or even killed because they feel a white woman’s womb is to be protected.  The fact that these gang members (yes, they are a gang) live such evil hate filled lives is so ironic because some of them have black and Latina girlfriends.  What????  Yes they swirl too.  That’s fine and good that racists swirl, but I want to know about the sisters who are with these racist men.  How could one be with someone who eats, drinks and breathes constant hate?  To knowingly be in a relationship with a man who hates entire races including yours is beyond me.  I don’t get it.  A former racist is ok as he is reformed.  But someone who is an active racist is incomprehensible.  He is major dbr and a black woman should know that she deserves better than that.  NOT. FOR. ME. (Smh, but the pic is still funny).




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