Married Swirling

Do You Have to Leap Small Buildings and Wear a Cape to Snag a Rainbeau?

Nicole Avant is a former actress and music executive. Oh; silly me. I almost forgot to mention she’s the former U.S. ambassador to the Bahamas.  And Quincy Jones’ god-daughter. Her husband of 2.5 years, Ted Sarandos is chief content officer for the increasingly-addictive Netflix. Together their raising a kabillion dollars toward Barack Obama’s reelection campaign.

It’s probably safe to say that Avant did pretty well for herself. This is a hunch, but I’m guessing nobody told her she needed to lower her standards and start trolling jailhouses when it was time for her to start looking for a hubster. The one she got is a high-acheiver and makes more than $2 million a year. What you see here, my friends, is a power couple. One in which I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t have seen in the 80’s, or even the 90’s. This is a new, NEW Power Couple.

Interracial relationship cynics point to people like this as say, “SEE!! You have to be Super-Afra-Woman, able to jump tall buildings in a single bound with a closet of matching capes to go with her stilletoos while cooking waffles, breakfast burritos, and crepes completely nekkid!!” Because, you know, if things hadn’t worked out with Nicole, he would have just married the pretty blond secretary with the associate’s degree from

Fat of the matter, despite the minute melanin detail, these two are properly matched, equally yoked and in the same class. But a powerful man desiring a polished, refined and educated wife isn’t about some sore of black-woman-white-guys-date checklist.

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