
The Quick-and-Dirty Guide to Saving and Broaching the Money Subject with a Guy

Photo of young afro-american woman on chalkboard background. Woman smiling and cheerfully looking at dollar signs and purse painted on chalkboard

If money is a chief reason for relationship woes, chances are it’s going to be something worth discussing at some point with the person you’re dating. But those conversations can be super awkward. Beyond Black & White talked to Bill Liatsis, CEO and Co-Founder of CreditIQ. Take a look.


When is a good time to tell your partner of your credit problems?
Bill: By the time you and your partner go on your first date together you’ll probably know more about each other than your parents did after 4 months of ‘courting’. Dating apps have put our profiles out there for the world to see, and credit will no doubt be a part of them in some form soon enough. Until finances and credit are a part of the dating screening process we need to know when and how to broach the subject with that special someone. Pick a time that feels natural; a work conversation, planning a weekend away, or if someone you guys know is planning a big purchase. Don’t be afraid to bare your financial soul, these days there are many online solutions to both, help you access credit no matter what your situation might be, and to also guide you on how to best improve your current situation. CreditIQ has a network of over 24 lenders waiting to empower consumers across the credit spectrum.

When is it an appropriate time to inquire about how healthy a person’s financial situation is?
Bill: If you’ve been dating awhile, 2 or 3 months and you haven’t gotten a good a idea of your partners financial situation, it’s time to start probing. That’s the stage when the relationship starts to feel more serious and if you’re going to commit you should at least have an idea of where they stand. These days, there are so many online solutions you can literally be headed out to meet friends and on the cab ride over use our platform to check for savings alerts or even close a loan before you arrive. The absolute cutoff I would say is when the conversation about moving in together starts to come up. Then it’s a must to know your partners situation financially.

If you’re single, how much of a percentage should one save, and what percentage can a girl splurge?
Bill: No two people or situations are alike. That said, a good rule of thumb is save at least 10% of what you make. This will obviously vary widely depending on many factors such as, income, location, age, and so on. But everyone should have a plan, that’s the most important thing. There are tons of great resources online to help guide you. Our blog, CreditIQspending-smarter is a great resource for practical tips along with many other trusted sites. And once you saved for the month, by all means girl, SPLURGE with what’s leftover!

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