Book Writing Adventures

What the Cuss? Race Mixing in Mississippi!?

Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. Err…auntie. (Who ever came up with that phrase, anyway? I mean, how can you be a monkey’s uncle unless you, yourself, are a monkey? Is this subtly racist?)

Speaking of racism, looks like the last bastion of the hate-filled bigots (aka Mississippi) is getting it’s swirl on in a BIG way. Check out yesterday’s New York Times: Black and White and Married in the Deep South: A Shifting Image.

I especially like this passage:

Sonia Cherail Peeples, who is black, met her husband, Michael Peeples, who is white, in the science building at the University of Southern Mississippi in 2003, when they were both students. Friendship ensued, then a crush. “I never dated a black girl before,” Mr. Peeples confided. His family was “old Mississippi,” living mostly around Jackson. At one time, they ran a luggage company.

Sonia Peeples’s ancestors were longtime Mississippians, too, but they were sharecropping cotton. [emphasis is all mine. MIIINNNNE!]

The differences in the past did not matter in the present, they both agreed.

“I really never thought twice about it,” Mrs. Peeples, 29, said of dating Michael, 30. “Everyone was open to it and I thought: ‘He has potential. I could marry this guy!’ ”

And she did. Now they have two boys: Riley, 3, and Gannon, 5, who Mrs. Peeples likes to say are “black, white and just right!”

Oh…the irony is delicious. The ghosts of Mississippi are probably crapping in their sheets! I’m waiting on the full Census results like my kids wait for their $615,305.23 worth (or so they wish) of gifts on Christmas Eve. I don’t like all this teasing. I mean, really. Why not release the results all at once?

I guess the Federal Government is trying to ease people in gently. After all, I’m SURE the level of swirling is off the charts, and I’ll bet my monkey’s uncle that the black OOW rate is a few steps closer to 100%.

*looks into my handy-dandy crystal ball* The GAT-DL will soon be scrambling to CONVINCE us that rainbeaus do not want us, and argue the statistics. How much you wanna bet?


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