
…Because I Have Don’t Have the Time For 1,000 Words, So Give Me a Break Already!!!

Blame it on Herb Way, photographer extraordinaire and creator of Portraits of Eve, for inspiring me to tinker with photography. THANKS A LOT, HERB!! AS IF I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TO DO!!

Also, blame it on the fact that the hubster hardly EVER plays with the $700 Canon Digital Rebel I bought him for our seventh anniversary, because now I’m back at it again. Also, you can blame the fact that we’re too broke to buy artwork, so I’m doing it myself.

So I’m learning about lenses. Specifically the fish-eye, because you can make your photos look really artsy-fartsy:

(By the way, I HATE kumquats, but they do make for a nice snapshot.)

and this…

and this:

But this one is the funniest to me, because it highlights a dilemma. The baby will not let any barrette, bow, or ponytail holder stay in her hair, and without corralling, she looks like a baby mad scientist. “Antie Em” is going through that akward stage between just growing out of baldheadedness but still has the world’s smallest ponytail. The way I keep this child’s hair, you’d SWEAR she’s being raised by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

In case you’re curious, I used the Lensbaby “Scout” lens to do all this nifty stuff. When I opened the box and looked at the instruction manual, the cover said, “mamma?” I just love companies that have a sense of humor.

Okay Herb, et al., should I just keep my day job?

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