No Wedding, No Womb!

Give to “Map Your Future” Get Complimentary Copy of “Is Marriage for White People!” Only 3 Left!

I have in my hot little hands THREE copies of “Is Marriage for White People?” gifted by our friend (yes he is a friend), JJinPA. He’s a supporter of #NWNW, so he wants to give a free book to the first (now) three contributors who donate a minimum of $15, plus $5 shipping. That’s $10.95 cheaper than the book, and you get to do a good deed to boot. One just flew off the e-shelf. Next three gets a brand new, hard cover baaaaabbbeeeee!!!

Now in my best black preacher voice, “GIIIIIIIVVVVE to the LAWD’S WURK!”

We make it so dang easy. Just click here.

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