CNN has reported that the ongoing conflict in Sudan based NOT on race, but ethnicity continues despite previous attempts to cease fire. Sadists are forcing mostly civilians to drink human blood and burnt carcasses. Rape is as common as a handshake. Children continue to be forced into fighting the military conflict.
If there is such thing as hell on earth, the fighting in Sudan is it.
“The stories and reports of the human toll of the violence and brutality have been heart-wrenching: reports of people being burnt in places of worship and hospitals, mass burials, women of all ages raped; both elderly and young, women described how they were brutally gang raped, and left unconscious and bleeding, people were not simply shot, they were subjected, for instance, to beatings before being compelled to jump into a lit fire,” the report said.
“The Commission found cases of sexual and gender based violence committed by both parties against women. It also documented extreme cruelty exercised through mutilation of bodies, burning of bodies, draining human blood from people who had just been killed and forcing others from one ethnic community to drink the blood or eat burnt human flesh,” it said.
I first heard of the conflict in Sudan when I was in college, and meet the most beautiful and blackest man I’d ever seen. He was almost purple. He had locks that were down passed his shoulders, dark brown but still lighter than his skin, which gave off a bluish hue. I stopped him in the quad and said, “Wow…you’re the darkest black person I have ever seen!” And you know what he said? He smiled a gorgeous movie star smile and said, “Thank you.” I loved that he said that, because it showed me how proud he was of his color, and who he was. He was raised in a country where his color didn’t matter, but he still had to flee another deadly oppression in order to stay alive. Luckily he became one of my professors so I could gawk and lust after him at will.
Break in the commentary because this Sudanese woman feeding her child is an absolute goddess…but read the caption below.
Sudan. South Sudan. Bahr El Ghazal. Yiikou. Dinka slave woman bought back by Christian Solidarity International (CSI) from arab traders. She was nine years in slavery, brutalised, excised and raped by her arab master (muslim) who is the child’s father. © 1999 Didier Ruef
But my point is, he came from a country where everyone looked like him, and the people still find reasons to brutalize each other that have nothing to do with slavery, white supremacy, or colonialism. Basically, white folks ain’t the cause of this mess. But according to the hotep negroes and black supremacists, the world would be all unicorns and rainbows if black people separate completely, install their own oppressive version of patriarchy, and be allowed to self police. History tells us that race is only one silly excuse for people to go to war. HUMANS WILL FIND OTHER REASONS TO HATE EACH OTHER.
If these dudes who claim they’re training for a race war were really brave, why don’t that organize a party to protect the innocents who suffer the most from this conflict? Pffft….who cares about them? We’re too busy babbling white supremacy white supremacy white supremacy white supremacy white supremacy white supremacy white supremacy white supremacy.
This is why it’s important to study history. Here’s a few “monoracial” conflicts in which you couldn’t tell by looking who was different from the other:
And that’s just off the top of my head. Newsflash race supremacists! There is NO ‘white utopia.’ There is no ‘black utopia.’
There’s only one solution to all of this.