
Four Reasons You Might Be Attracting Losers

I hear it all the time…women come to me so frustrated that they keep attracting the same kinds of men. Their relationships start with a hopeful connection, then a few months pass and then it devolves in a very familiar way, leaving women feeling like complete failures.

After digging a bit I’ve found that many women keep making repetitive mistakes that keep them losing. Here are four.

You’re Fishing in the Same Dirty Pool.

You keep going to the same places, the same parties, doing the same things and wishing for a different result. If you want a different kind of selection, you’re going to have to stretch a bit and do different kinds of things. That might mean going to the next town, or taking up a new hobby.


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Your Network Needs an Upgrade.

What’s the old saying…you are who your friends are? Take a look around. What do your buddies have going for them? Are they committed to the same goals you are, or are they still reliving the high school or college days? Expanding and upgrading your network can get you access to eligible men. Remember–Meghan Markle met Prince Harry through friends. Perhaps it’s time to aim a little higher and polish your networking skills. We talk a lot about this in the Pink Pill private group. In fact, we’ve got a pretty amazing guest speaker–Jordan Harbinger, former co-host of The Art of Charm–to discuss networking and body language tips and tricks. Maybe it’s time to Pink Pill yourself.

Your Appearance Communicates the Wrong Message.

When people visit your social media, what do they see? How are you presenting yourself? What items are you sharing? Are your social media pages laced with profanity-laden rants and raves? Are there photos of you and your girlfriends deliriously drunk at the club? Are your boobs, legs and ass sprawled all over? Every pose, post, and picture communicates a message that will speak to a certain kind of person. Be mindful of what you’re telling the world about who and what you are.

You Don’t Think You Deserve Any Better.

If you don’t really feel good about yourself, you don’t expect a whole lot from the men you date. You accept less responsibility, affection, and respect. He thinks you’re cheap because YOU think you’re cheap. A woman who thinks highly of herself wouldn’t think twice about dropping a man who treats her shabbily. Getting to this point requires a lot of internal work and acknowledgement that there’s a part of you that’s broken. Address the underlying issues and the problem solves itself.

Follow Christelyn on Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. And if you want to be a little more about this online dating thing, InterracialDatingCentral is the official dating site for this blog

Follow Christelyn on Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. And if you want to be a little more about this online dating thing, InterracialDatingCentral is the official dating site for this blog.