Swirling, the Book

Me, “Swirling” and BB&W on CNN’s HLN Weekend Express. UPDATE: I Taped It!


Yesterday was awesome-sauce. Atlanta was a success all around, and “SWIRLING” to CNN by storm. It was cool that host, Natasha Curry, a product of the black/white union with a white rainbeau of her own, was so geeked up about the book. She’s so super cute and down to earth–we’re looking at pictures of my kiddos in that shot.

The “Swirling” segment airs TODAY several times on HLN, but I can’t see it because my hotel isn’t carrying the channel. Anyone who has access give me a link and let me know!

Update: I have a clip here:

Another cool thing was SWIRLING was the FIRST entry of the HLN blog today:

In the words of Michael Jackson, it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white. According to Christelyn Karazin, the author of Swirling: How to Date, Mate, and Relate Mixing Race, Culture, and Creed, the King of Pop was right. Weekend Express had the opportunity to sit down with Karazin, who wrote the book as a how to guide for interracial relationships after navigating the waters with her now husband. She says the dating world is too tough for women already; they should be open to dating outside their race to find Mr. Right! 
 Karazin defines swirling as “the delicious fusion of races,” helping blend two separate cultures to create an entirely different story. A Census report released in April showed the number of interracial couples in the United States has hit an all-time high. Roughly 18 percent of opposite-sex unmarried couples and 21 percent of same-sex unmarried couples identify themselves as interracial.   

Karazin says a great example of “swirling” can be seen in none other than Hollywood! She argues that to seeing stars like David Bowie and Iman helps make interracial relationships more normal for people who aren’t exposed to interracial dating in their town.  Take a look at the Hollywood stars who “swirl” slideshow!     

Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for Natasha Curry’s interview with Christelyn Karazin! Want to learn more? Check out her blog out here.   

Christelyn Karazin’s Tips for Swirling:


  • DO: Choose character above color. This will only help maximize exposure.
  • DO: Be interested in people of different culture, religion or race. It will help with families accepting you.
  • DON’T: Don’t take your baggage or insecurities about dating another race with you on the first date.
  • DON’T: Don’t lose yourself or your identity. Make it a fusion with mutual respect.

Click this link to see the sideshow.


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