
BB&W Intern Elizabeth’s 25 Life Lessons

I celebrated my 25th birthday recently.  It was somewhat anticlimatic.  The height of my excitement in reaching 25 was that I could finally rent a car!  (Hey, in NYC that’s a big deal – It means I can travel more outside of this concrete jungle). Then it started…:  “Its all downhill from here!” -(My Best Friend); “The clock is ticking.  FREEZE YOUR EGGS.  I want grandbabies” (My Mother); “You’re not a lesbian, are you?” – (My Grandmother).  I’m from the South, so while most of the people I grew up with are married and on there second or third child, I was still trying to figure out what my Christmas plans were.  25 was a tough year, in which NOTHING went according to plan.  However, a recent conversation with my mother caused me to reflect on all that I’ve accomplished.  I was the youngest person to graduate from my high school.  At 16, I left Louisiana to go to New York.  I graduated from one of the most prestigious schools in the nation and am a working professional in the toughest city in the world:  NYC. There were moments when I did not believe I would make it here, yet here I am and excited about the next 25 and however long the good Lord will have me here. Not to mention this sudden tunnel vision for the future is pretty sweet. In reflection, I’d thought share 25 lessons that I’ve learned over the years and invite y’all to share your pearls of wisdom for all the ladies, especially the youngins on BB&W.

1) People will always talk about you.  The ones who love you will stand by your side and let you speak for yourself in word and deed.  Even better they will sit with you when you can’t speak.
2)  Human beings are unbelievably broken.  The people you look up to, whoever they are, are broken too.  Remember that, stop judging, and stop looking up to them.  We can all learn and grow from each other.
3)  There is still hope for us all.
4)  Hurt people hurt people.
5)  Its inevitable.You will hurt or disappoint someone whether you meant to or not whether you are right or wrong.
6)  Ideal hurts are just as real as real hurts.
7)  Life is short.  Say I’m sorry.  Mean it.  Say I love you.  Mean it. And do you best to show it.
8)  Words cut deeper than swords.  Use them wisely.
9)  No one knows your story better than you, so let no one attack your identity.
10)  Some secrets will stay buried.
11)  There is only one person in the entire universe you can truly share your secrets with, who will not turn away.  Cherish and honor them.
12)  This one person will love you more than you can fathom.  It is your duty to get all your crazy shit out before you meet them.
13)  Sometimes walking away is wiser than staying.  Sometimes staying is wiser than walking away. Be discerning.
14)  There really is no need for drama.  Detach and move on from unnecessary people and unnecessary things.

15)  Give grace in all matters and expect nothing in return.
16)  Nothing goes according  to plan.  Sometimes it ends up being better than you imagined.  Loosen up!
17)  Love is proof of God’s sick sense of humor.
18)  Find your own glory and give others the space to do the same.
19)  In all things give glory to God (Or whatever faith you ascribe to.  I’m Christian, deal with it)
20)  Wine is GOOD and coffee is proof of God’s love for us.
21)  You really did need those shoes.
22)  Lipstick is actually warrior paint.  Use it wisely.
23)  Dancing is always called for.
24)  In this pretentious world, a little corny is necessary.  Let your guard down and receive the mushyness.
25)  Your eggs die every month.  Ain’t that a bitch! (Yes, I sadly learned recently that my possible future children were dying for over a decade).
26) Your heart matters.  PERIOD.  Take care of it!
27) Those dirty thoughts about Henry Cavill… yea.  Man of Steel indeed.


Oh, that was 27.  Who cares it was my birthday!

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