
Almost 40 with Better Skin Than When I Was 14: Lessons I’ve Learned (and Continue to Learn)

What you’re about to see is me, absolutely naked.

I just turned 39 in July. You might not believe me, but what you see is not natural for me.

Without intervention, my skin is prone to pimples, blackheads, and discoloration. I get asked constantly from strangers what it is, EXACTLY that I do, and I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating:

–Exfoliation is key. Know how baby skin is so soft and smooth, free of blemish? That’s because the skin cells are rapidly reproducing and sluffing off the old to bring in the fresh new skin underneath. As you age, cell turnover slows. Combine that with over-active oil glands, and you’ll have blackheads, whiteheads and all the yuck in between.

Exhibit A:

clogged pores…UNLEASHED!!

Tips the cosmetics companies don’t want you to know:
It’s not necessary to do the complete beauty regimen of a particular system both at night and then again in the morning, unless sleep in the backyard. Face down. On wet mud.

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