
Harsh Reality: Ghetto-Girl Mentality Has Little to Do With Economics, More About ‘Fitting In’

Yesterday I picked up Maxi Me and her bestie from high school. They were deep in exchanging gossip about a black girl who had a fist fight with a boy in Third Period.

“She was pounding on that guy!” said Maxi.

“Wait; I think I know the girl you’re talking about. Is she really fat and does she have a bunch of fake hair?” asked the friend.

“Yep, that’s her.”

Apparently the large and weaved high school girl walked passed a young white guy who called her a “she-man.” She chased him down, yelling obscenities and and promptly began to introduce her fists to his face. Two male teachers had to pull her off.

When I heard about that last thing, I couldn’t help but think to myself, two men had to pull a girl off a boy? Way to prove how masculine you really are, Boomquisha. As an aside, I can see how a girl being called a “she-man” could be hurtful, but when you respond to an insult like a man would, well…

I know what you’re thinking–this quick-to-fight attitude is less of a cultural issue and more of a economics issue, at least that’s what GAT-DL folks would like us to believe. But it’s probably not. Established only since 1985, The City of Temecula is virtually devoid of ghettos and low-income housing, and no children are bussed for miles and miles from some God-forsaken armpit. It is home of solid middle class, upper middle class and the wealthy one percent. Yet, Maxi Me bemoans about how the black people in her school are so hood that she has absolutely no interest at all in connecting with them. According to Maxi and her very blond bestie, the many of the black girls are loud, wear ill-fashioned weaves, and tend toward a more masculine toughness similar to what we’ve often discussed previously on this blog. Outside of the miniature knot of blackistani students, these girls are wholly rejected by virtually every other racial group on the campus. The black boys, however, seem to have an easier time of it, probably because black-boy swagger is fascinating to the high school children of yuppies. The black ghetto girls are relegated to only gaining the often fleeting and whimsical romantic attention of the other hood boys, while the the boys exercise their choices beyond racial lines–they can and will date any color.

And while the hood boys at my daughter’s school drool, pant and lust after Maxi (she is tall, slim with curves and absolutely stunning), she has no interest. Not because they are black, but because they are hood-boogerish. Early in the year Maxi had her first kiss with a biracial boy whose mother is black and father is white. Imagine that.

No doubt some folks who will read what I wrote will say I’m somehow to blame for my daughter’s rejection of the black people in her school and that my marriage to a white guy has caused Maxi to hate herself. I assure you that’s  not true. Her biological father, who is black, is educated, and his extended family includes lawyers, school administrators and executives. Maxi sees her share of successful and educated upwardly mobile black folks and navigates well in their world. What my daughter widely rejects is hood-boogerism, and she’s in the powerful position to be able to reject it because she has options. She can freely navigate between the white middle class and the black educated class who equally embrace her.

It’s sad to make predictions about the “she-male,” but it’s a good guess she’s going to have a harder time of it. While acting racthet in high school might be gaining them points with the ratchet hood crew, they’ll stay loosing in the widely vast global village. In ten years these same girls will be writing me, wondering why they can’t seem to “click” with men outside their race, despite a keen interest in them.

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