Book Writing Adventures

Question of the Week: Was Sex ‘Different’ With a Rainbow Man?

This REALLY isn’t anyone’s question in particular, just mine. I still remember the first time with my husband–I was nervous, exhilarated, and the contrast of my dark chocolate skin against his milky one was so…erotic, so sensual. I’ll admit my curiosity about being intimate with him made me want to give it up REAL QUICK (with the proper protection of course). SO quick in fact, I was worried if he would NEVER call again. He called the next day. And the next. And that was January 1999.

That’s not to say you should go cruising for rainbow men just because you might be curious. That’s probably not a great idea. Plus, cruising is just so 1950’s.

But WHEN you did “it”, what was it like for you? Weird? Great? Akward? AND PLEASE PEOPLE, KEEP IT PG-13.

And just to get you in the mood (cue porn music: bong chicka bong bong!) Single ladies, might I suggest a good vibrator?

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