
Colorism: The conversation continues.

dark girls 2
About four hours ago, the exchange below took place during our current discussion on the film “Light Girls”. I wish to thank Neecy for asking some insightful – and quite possibly for some, uncomfortable – questions that I feel deserve further exploration. I have crested this side bar to the main article so that readers who want to talk about these important points can do so.

4 hours ago
Okay; I’ll Admit It. I’m Feeling Some Kinda Way about the New Doc, “Light Girls.”

I guess my question is. For those darker women with unresolved issues regarding your skin tone and your issues with light skinned women and who date IR – I’m curious as to how you can have a healthy relationship with your light and bi racial children?

It seems to me a lot of BW just want to keep this Colorism nonsense alive even when you claimed to remove yourself from atypical Black groupthink.

At some point it’s time to move on and develop a healthy esteem about yourself and stop with the constant division.

Colorism sucks. And dark skinned women and girls have had a tough time. Ok. But there comes a point in your life where as an adult. you need to move on and get over it and surround yourself with positive people and environments that embrace you.

If you have removed yourself from the black community and most thing typically dysfunctional I cannot understand why we are bringing this Colorism issue up.

It seems as if many BW are still seeking validation from the very BM and people you claimed to have moved on from. If you are interested in non BM who typically don’t care what shade you are, then why are you still harping on something that is done moreso by BM than non BM?


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