Health and Fitness

Stuff I Like: “The Happy Couple Workout”

Meet Richard and Alana Newman, creators of the uniquely cute and amazing “Happy Couple Workout.”

I met Alana when she and I were invited to the Kansas governor’s mansion for our similar work with pro-family and children’s advocacy. I fell in love. She became a rabid fan of NWNW, and I became a fan of her “Anonymous Us” project. I was in awe at how smart, beautiful, and enlightened she was. She’s been such a cheerleader of my blog and even came to one of my NYC book signings, where I got to meet her cuddly, sweet baby for the first time.


I so love her spirit. So that’s why I’m just tickled to announce Alana and Richard’s joint venture–“The Happy Couple Workout.”

Just look at them…they say the family that sweat together, stays together–or something like that.


Take a look at the trailer…they’ve even got some cute swirl couple, and the rainbeau with the black girl is HAWT!!

You guys gotta get this DVD. How better for you and your partner to both get into (or stay in) shape? This is a total no-brainer. Plus, imagine the uh…”fun” you could have after. #justsaying

Purchase the DVD at

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