Gems from the Comments

Troll Crushing 101: Comment Gems from the BB&W Crew

Some of the best content on this site can be found in our comment section.  Oh we love our readers!!!!!!

In this installment of Gems from the Comments we have the following exchange between LadyHumor and the unlucky schlub who dared challenge her.  Honorable mention to 9Boots for getting into the fray.     Enjoy!


The exchange can be found here:

Our Sh*t Is Beginning to Stink: Bill O’Reilly Addresses Out-of-Wedlock Rate, Get Ready for More



The comment that started the exchange.

LadyHumor 1298 pts

But on a side note and maybe I’m going too far, but let me say this, it may be a surprise to the inhabitants of Blackistan, but please believe that the fate of ‘the black race’ will not fall because of the American Black Community’s  (future?) demise.  Nope. There is still a chance for black people to thrive and grow…if their of African, Afro-Latino, or Caribbean descendant.


Maybe I’m wrong, but think I’m a person of privilege in this manner. Because even though I’m a Black Woman living in America, I can easily pull the privilege of the “Black Foreigner Card” when I need to and this is just the type of situation I could use that ‘card’ in.


Ah, the ‘Foreign Black Person Card’ – all the blackness without any of the white guilt – the perfectly ideal ‘black friend’! ;D  (However, its flipped in Europe, so I hear, so there is that as well. ;D)


I’ve seen this “Foreign Black Card” work in action at one of my old work places. That old boss lady who was non-black would piss and moan about ‘how ‘ghetto’ these black people are’ who come into her medical building and what ‘troublemakers’ there were. She said this freely and repeatedly until one day  I finally had the nerve to say to her, “Hey, I’m black and not ghetto,  so lay off my people!”  But she actually had the GALL to look at me seriously and with a straight face say, “You’re not Black, Ladyhumor, you’re Jamaican. Your people are different.”


I was like: O_o?


I had no clue what to say to her in my shook, but something like ‘Are you blind? Do you NOT see my milk cocoa skin, woman?’ did come to mind. SMH.


However,  this seems to be growing sentiment in the USA, unfortunately. And I’m sorry to say this, but the foreign black people and their future generations (from Africa, Caribbean, and Central/South America) are taking and using the spots/opportunities of American Black folks in leaps and bounds without nayer a care. And I get the feeling that a lot of black folks born in the US are just happy to see ‘a black face in a high place’ without realizing that face may not be for you but for their ‘own’.


I’ve seen Nigerians  cut out American Blacks in business deals like it was a Tuesday special, and the American Black person was like “But aren’t we the same, brother?” And the Nigerians were like “Hell Naw, son. Who are you to me? I have no blood to you!”


My parents came to this country in the 80s but because I was born here and had the ‘melanin needed’, I got access to all the grants, scholarships, and loans that should have only been intended for “American Black People” only. However, I ‘qualified’ and because of that I was able to complete my 4-year undergraduate degree with only $9,000 on the balance when I walked down that graduating aisle.


Therefore, what could very well happened in the future, if the American Black Community doesn’t shape up and save itself, is that there will be a great divide between foreign and native blacks. And like the Asian community, the foreign blacks will because ‘model minorities’ to the native blacks further demise.


nobullsht2013 9 pts

@Lady Humor

I like the name because what you’re saying is hogwash. When you take a kernel of truth and wrap it around layers of lies it becomes propaganda. I love how “other blacks (non-AA)” are quick to jump on the bandwagon with the same prejudiced ideas of blacks that the white man has said about them for ages. Are there problems? Yes. But there’s problems with a lot of people. I get tired of people trying to lump every black as ghetto, ignorant, buffoonish, and irresponsible. On the contrary there are plenty of black people doing just fine. Are they the ones getting positive press? Nope. Instead of running like rats and jumping ship, black people need to circle the wagons and shun what non-AA’s say.


If you lived it then talk about it. I love how they’re quick to take advantage of what our ancestors endured and fought for while castigating their descendants as though we’re not smart enough to see it. Unfortunately most AA’s don’t view them as the enemy which is doing a terrible disservice to themselves. Why not benefit from what AA people fought for while being able to distance themselves and garner the sympathy of whites (help assuage their white guilt) by showing their otherness? After all, what have non-AA’s done to help out? Do they help politically, socially, financially, economically to help improve the conditions of the black community or just operate like opportunistic parasites every chance they get? Every chance they get to crap on AA’s they take full advantage.


Jamaicans, Haitians, Africans and etc. they’re all the same in the end. Just collective groups of Africans doing their hardest to supplant AA’s. Unfortunately they’ve yet to factor in the real white American mentality. Haitians talk bad about us, but when the hurricane came “Why don’t you AAs help us”? If the rest of the island blacks were so good, e.g. why is Jamaica a financial wreck? Africans can barely rise above their tribalism to operate on a nationalistic identity (N/S Nigeria, tribal, Islam/Christianity). The AU is a joke letting Europeans destroy a member of their Union (Libya) and genocide blacks while they twiddle their thumbs. Arabs took the north, and have their eyes on taking more land. The Chinese have been talking about importing 300 million to the continent. Europeans still have their boot heels on the Africans. The U.S. with Africom so they can fight each other to death. Corporations buying huge swathes of land in Africa. Africa is still America’s plantation. After all, how many millions of Africans have been killed by other Africans (Rwanda, Sudan, Congo…the list goes on).


So yes there are issues, but in the end, if you’re black there’s no where to run. Once you run, you staying running…that’s how it goes. Don’t mistake immigration by Africans or those caught in the diaspora any different than the Asian immigration. Most are culturally middle class like millions of blacks. They aren’t letting them come over who lived in huts or have plates in their mouth. They excel true (Africans) but when you have high quality immigration that is to be expected. AAs could outshine them any day of the week.


Black people need to stop suffering from the racism of low expectations is all. After all, what other group of blacks in the world have accomplished what we have? ZERO. We’re still best of breed bar none. Once AAs repair the damage incurred for the last 40 years we’ll be tuned up running on all cylinders. It’s been slow but black people are re-awakening.


Bill O’Reilly hasn’t said anything black people haven’t been saying for decades. But it’s not the middle class or wealthy blacks, it’s those who are poor to be honest. I can’t be the only black here who was raised in a solid middle class, 2 family household with parents still married (40+ years). It’s the culture plain and simple. Things like out of wedlock birth, prison and not graduating from college is frowned upon. So the distinction has to be made. All the people in my family (90%+) are married, kids graduated college, grown up married also and etc. But I guess it’s whether you’re old school black (church all the time, “yes sir, yes ma’am”, respect your elders, family) or the blacks raised as socialized under welfare, feminism, liberalism, secularism, no religion, rap music, abortion and the rest.


9Boots 145 pts

 nobullsht2013  For the record I’m an AA woman.


“Are there problems? Yes. But there’s problems with a lot of people. ”


Classic deflection.  No community in America is hovering around an 80% OOW rate.  The deflecting started at 25%, continued at 35%, some more at 45%,  more and more at 55%,  a whole lot more at 65%, and now holy cow batman were at 75%! let’s deflect some more! ……….. Insanity


“I get tired of people trying to lump every black as ghetto, ignorant, buffoonish, and irresponsible.”


No one on here has lumped every black as ghetto, ignorant, buffoonish, and irresponsible.  If that was the case we would be implicating ourselves. Furthermore I’m pretty sure the world at large has enough since to realize 100% of all AAs are not living a dysfunctional life.  Clearly if that was the case then every negative statistic would be 100% of AAs are doing xyz..


“On the contrary there are plenty of black people doing just fine. Are they the ones getting positive press? Nope.”


The squeaky wheel gets the oil.  In most circumstances ie. school, work. disease statistics and so on, the negative data gets the attention and  press.  Remember in grade school when the bad kids sucked up all the teachers attention?  It’s because if we don’t manage the negative outcomes in life guess what happens……..chaos, and no one likes chaos.


” Instead of running like rats and jumping ship, black people need to circle the wagons and shun what non-AA’s say.”


So once again like a bunch of insane people we are supposed to continue another 40 years of ignoring the OOW rate so that we can save face because somebody is hurting our egos.  Heck to the no.  “pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18 ESV


You also want us to spend energy fighting non American blacks for the lack of appreciation for AAs.  Newsflash we have bigger battles to fight. The AA community is collapsing in on itself.  It is imploding!  It’s coming from within. “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.”  Matthew 12:25 NIV Jesus Christ


“Black people need to stop suffering from the racism of low expectations is all”


That is exactly what we are doing.  We REFUSE to deflect. “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.”  1 Corinthians 13:11 ESV


“But it’s not the middle class or wealthy blacks, it’s those who are poor to be honest.”


Lie.  Tell that to the rich black women in Hollywood that have OOW children because they are not married.  By the way, there’s a whole bunch of them.  Tell that to the many black women with bachelors and masters degree that are middle class and gave birth to an OOW baby after college because they are not married.  By the way, there’s a whole bunch of them too.  I have a cousin that did that.  Yes the poor does their fair share of contributing but trust and believe the non poor is not exempt.


“It’s the culture plain and simple.”


Yep it’s the culture alright, the culture of complacency and deflection.



LadyHumor 1298 pts


Well, since 9Boots gave the message ‘sweet’, then perhaps I should give the message ‘bitter’? My following response is going to be cold – like ice-blue cold – because you and those of your ilk need to either WAKE UP or SHUT UP because if you aren’t part of the solution your part of the problem.


Your entire post was nothing more than the verbal masturbation of a Bitter Black Fool (TM). Yet what is so ironic about this, is the fact that you didn’t even comprehend what I was saying. Nope! You just saw what you wanted to see and drove yourself mad right off an insane cliff.


Which is predictable behavior for the to-be left behind.


You said: “I love how “other blacks (non-AA)” are quick to jump on the bandwagon with the same prejudiced ideas of blacks that the white man has said about them for ages.”


You think non-AA blacks have the same prejudices as white against current AA-blacks? Congratulations. You just learn the elementary fact that birds of a feather fly together. Caribbean and African cultures have MORE in common with American white culture than it does  the current black American one. Therefore, OBVIOUSLY, they’re more likely to relate and succeed in similar situations.


For example: those cultures highly value education and achievement. In fact, Caribbean black folks repeatedly beat Americans (of all types) in terms of academic  achievement.  However, education is something that a great majority of  American Blacks (typically the men)  will call ‘acting white’.  Black woman aren’t falling for the okey-dokie, nowadays, because they can’t afford to live in a world of illusion when reality it quite ready to make their lives hellishness. So, AA woman and taking to education like a storm and thus bettering themselves and positions. And as AA women become more prominent in society – they will definitely want equally yoked mates and WILL FIND those mates regardless of color or creed.


Therefore, people are more likely to agree and work together if they share similar values – which the massive majority of non-AA blacks inherently know and black AA woman are quickly learning and implementing.  Thus, we are natural ALLIES because of we have similar interests. Thus, as non-AA blacks advance and black women AA wake up  – the only group that will left behind will be the lazy and insufferable always-blaming-the-white-man DBR black men and their ride-or-die DBR female coddlers.


I cannot say they will be missed from human history.


LadyHumor 1298 pts



You said, “Instead of running like rats and jumping ship, black people need to circle the wagons and shun what non-AA’s say.”


Yes, because staying on a leaking and drowning wooden ship to DIE is such an intelligent choice. Never mind the fact that there are plenty of luxury yachts, mega ships, and battle tanks flowing around that leaking ship and AA woman can easily jump on them to save their lives and those of their children. Nope. You want those smart woman to abandon basic common sense to first save themselves and their loves ones, and focus all their attention on helping strangers or worst – enemies that would sooner watch them die than see that they thrive and live.


AIN’T GOING TO HAPPENED, SON! People tend to value their own lives.


You said, “Why not benefit from what AA people fought for while being able to distance themselves and garner the sympathy of whites (help assuage their white guilt) by showing their otherness?”


Non-AA blacks are, actually. So, thanks. But in truth, that work was all done by the OLD SCHOOL AA BLACKS. You know, the people that actually DID the hard work and fought for their rights? In fact, Non-AA blacks get along quite fine with that generation of AAs because of their similar value structure.  But the current AA culture is an alien culture to both Old School American Blacks and Non-AA blacks – now isn’t that terrible ironic?  I have no doubt that those individuals who fought and bleed for civil rights would look on the current state of  Black America and not feel too happy about it. A particular MLK episode of The Boondocks comes to mind, in fact.


You said, “After all, what have non-AA’s done to help out? Do they help politically, socially, financially, economically to help improve the conditions of the black community or just operate like opportunistic parasites every chance they get? Every chance they get to crap on AA’s they take full advantage.”


I’m sure you just playing stupid, because American Black Caribbean folks have been helping and part of American Black struggles for decades and many of their descendants have helped carve out new paths for all those with ‘black skin’.


I’m sure you are aware of Hazel Scott, the first black woman to have her own television show in American, she is from Trinidad and Tobago, Marcus Garvey  was from Jamaica, Shirley St. Hill Chisholm’s father was from British Guiana and her mother was from Barbados,  Derek Walcott was of Saint Lucia, Malcolm X’s mother was Grenadian,  Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable  ‘The Father of Chicago came from Haiti, Colin Luther Powel has Jamaica parents, Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Toure) a Black Power leader was born of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s grandparents are from Trinidad and Tobago, Grace Jones is an Jamacian-born performer, and for you over the pond folks, Claudia Jones ( of Trinidad) was a great black feminist and Sir Arthur Lewis ( Saint Lucia) a Nobel Prize Economist.


So, GO SIT DOWN and stop ACTTING SIMPLE. Non-AA blacks have contributed to Black America just like the Old School American Blacks had.


LadyHumor 1298 pts




Now, in regards to their tirade against black countries/nations. Well, there are problems in all black nations and cultures. That is obvious and I won’t deny it. But please rest assured those  people aren’t going to ‘American Blacks’ to fix their problems. Where did you get that crazy idea from? After all, who goes to a starving man for food? No one. Those black leaders  are actually going to sources that can (maybe) fix their problems like…White America and White Europe because those folks actually have the FUNDS to help them. Funny, no?


Now,  I won’t deny that immigrants have general advantages when they come over her. One such advantage is that our Pookies, Ray-Rays, and Boomquisas are hidden from sight. But not every immigrant that comes here are ‘middle class’ – nope. Most immigrants leave their countries because they have better opportunities elsewhere and that’s true for ALL immigrants.


But guess what – opportunities comes to those that actually WANT IT.  If Black Americans were using all the resources available to them and ‘locking non-AA blacks out’ like other people groups would do for their ‘cultural identity’ – then non-black AA wouldn’t be able to get in and use it. So, if you don’t want non-AA blacks to use your AA-black resources – use it first yourselves. It really is that simple. Goodness.  This is like a hungry person turning up their high nose at a piece of bread because they think they are entitled to caviar first, but then they will get angry at the other hungry people standing behind them who will happily eat the bread and save themselves. Get out of here with that mess!


You said, “So yes there are issues, but in the end, if you’re black there’s nowhere to run.”


Yawn. There are plenty of places to run to, and more and more  American black woman are fleeing Blackistan and creating happy lives for them and theirs.  So, your scare tactics aren’t going to work here, buddy.


You said, “Black people need to stop suffering from the racism of low expectations is all. After all, what other group of blacks in the world have accomplished what we have? ZERO. We’re still best of breed bar none.Once AAs repair the damage incurred for the last 40 years we’ll be tuned up running on all cylinders. It’s been slow but black people are re-awakening.”


(Rolls Eyes) This is ‘King and Queen Talk 2.0 Foolishness’ at its finest, folks. Look, buddy, if you think ONLY black people have contributed to humanity’s rise as a whole – enjoy that delusional bubble you live in. It must sure be a happy place.


Every people group on this blue earth has aided humanity’s rise.  So, as other folks continue to cruise on by while you bask in such worthless daydreaming –  white, brown, red, yellow, and yes, black, will be create and discover new wonders of life.


You said, “Bill O’Reilly hasn’t said anything black people haven’t been saying for decades.”



And yet, only when the ‘evil old racist conservative white man’ say something will DBR people actually listen, complaint, and make excuses. Which, sadly, is a better reaction then when normal black people say these same exact things. Nope. We get called ‘sellout’ ‘oreo’ so that our messages are shut down and  ignored. Goodness. At least the ‘evil white man’ gets some mental attention from DBR people.


You said, “But it’s not the middle class or wealthy blacks, it’s those who are poor to be honest.”


Check 9Boots post, first. And stop using the black poor as a scapegoat. Black poor people can have values and honor just like everybody else. It’s the dysfunctional underclass and their warped value system that is causing all these problems.


You said, “All the people in my family (90%+) are married, kids graduated college, grown up married also and etc. But I guess it’s whether you’re old school black (church all the time, “yes sir, yes ma’am”, respect your elders, family.”


Congratulations, Golden Unicorn of Today. Would you like a cookie for doing what you suppose to do? We have some Milano ones readily available for your reward.  XD


SMH. Goodness, if you’re going to take a shot at a Dame – you should have made sure you killed her, son.  Your entire rant was the typically useless drivel of  BBFs and thus should be seen as Exhibit A of DBR Mythology. Quite frankly, I am done with you, you  awful drive-by troll.



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