
Author Karyn Folan “Don’t Bring Home a White Boy” Joins “Pros and Cons”

I’m super excited to let you know that Karyn Langhorne Folan, author of Don’t Bring Home a White Boy, and Other Notion That Keep Black Women From Dating OutEnrollees of the Pros and Cons Series: Dating White Men will automatically be registered in our book study with access to the LIVE teleconference we will have with Ms. Folan on Thursday, October 5, 4PM PST/7PM EST.

While Don’t Bring Home a White Boy was published in 2010, there are so many salient points still applicable for our current experiences. Remember–relationships between white men and black women were extremely rare until 50 years ago. For example, this key notion keeps so many black women from embracing friendship and love from white men–PURE GUILT and STUBBORNESS.

Personally I would never ever “date out.” If you know anything about the history of black women in this country–about the way we’ve been treated by white men–it just seems wrong to even consider a white man as a possible partner. I’d feel like I was dishonoring all my ancestor who suffered rape and sexual abuse at their hands. For me, it comes down to this: my foremothers had no rights, no say over who used their bodies. They couldn’t stop them (white men]. But I have the power now and I can say, “You won’t get this [body]. You’ll never get this., NOTION 1, Don’t Bring Home a White Boy

So of us are so INVESTED in clinging to events of perpetrators long dead while engaging in hysterical blindness of the qualities, character and individuality of potentially quality men in front of you from a group of people want to engage in generational vendetta only keeps YOU losing. We’re going to tackle some of these mental barriers we put on ourselves that keep us from maximizing all our options.

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If you haven’t yet enrolled in our Pros and Cons class, you can do so by clicking the image below.

Hundreds registered in just days!

For this women only book study and teleconference, we’re going to discuss the book, interact with Karyn Folan, and have a live “girl talk” discussion after.

If you don’t have the book already, I recommend a hard copy, because we’ll be flipping through chapters, highlighting and dog-earing the heck out of it!

Follow Christelyn on Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our You Tube channel. And if you want to be a little more about this online dating thing, InterracialDatingCentral is the official dating site for this blog

Follow Christelyn on Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. And if you want to be a little more about this online dating thing, InterracialDatingCentral is the official dating site for this blog.