
DeMario the Loser Highlights Black Male Entitlement in Black Female Dating

In a move so blatantly hypocritical, DeMario, the cad of last season’s Bachelorette featuring Rachel Lindsey, the first black bachelorette, suggested that Rachel had a preference for white men from the very beginning. Apparently only black men have the right to have that preference accepted and unquestioned.

In the E&G Podcast, DeMario consistently attempts to position himself as the victim. He mentions that he went through a “very dark time,” in which he must be referring to his girlfriend hookup chic coming on to the show and exposing him, and later the sexual misconduct he engaged in with the shooting of Bachelor in Paradise. Listening to the podcast, 30-year-old DeMario was briefly pissed off that the producers ambushed him with his Bumble hookup, but was heartened with the prospect of sexual exploits.

He says that the more scandal he’s embroiled in, the more popular he became. He says what was all knew, that the producers “focused more on the drama than on actual love.”

Jump to 21:00 and hear for yourself.

The podcaster asks “do you think Rachel was there for the right reasons.” DeMario says that through the two weeks he was present you know she was attracted to white men. “You just knew. She had the vibe.” What “vibe” would that be, exactly, DeMario? Her resistance to follow you around begging you like a puppy? Her refusal to claim from the rooftops that only a “black king” could ever please her? What exactly, is the vibe a black woman gives off that indicates she’s not wholly into you, while you get to date and copulate with nothing but white women yourself, DeMario?

The absolute gall that black men like DeMario, who FREELY date and copulate with any race of women they choose, and more often than not, choose non-black women, can even form their mouths to make any assessment or judgment of black women doing the same thing is unbelievable.

On a sidenote, I thought it was interesting that he admitted that Bryan and Peter were into Rachel from the very beginning, so there’s hope that at least some of the show was authentic.

What do you make of all this?

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Follow Christelyn on Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. And if you want to be a little more about this online dating thing, InterracialDatingCentral is the official dating site for this blog.