Today is my birthday, and there’s a lot of 7’s in it. Seventh month, seventeenth day, born the year 1973, at 7:03 in the morning. I suppose all those sevens have given me a little luck over my lifetime. As a newly-minted member of the Fabulous 40’s club, I’ve gotta say I feel pretty damn good. I’m old enough to (mostly) not do the stupid, impulsive stuff of my youth, and still young enough to capitalize on that wisdom. And while I’m four decades old, I feel like I’m 25–just with more brains in my head. I’m taking care of my mind and my body, and never cease learning. Some notable bits of knowledge…
I’ve learned that not everyone is going to like me, and that’s okay.
I’m really, REALLY good at acronyms. (NWNW, GAT-DL)
It’s okay to say “I don’t know.” It only lends more credibility to the things you are expert in.

It’s fun to act silly, and embarrassing your kids in the grocery store by dancing mid-aisle is mandatory, at least once.
Nothing makes me smile more than hearing my children giggle.
Doing the work that you love for pennies makes the payoff that much sweeter.
A hit dog hollers like hell.
I would never, EVER want to be single again, like…EVER.

Never, EVER skimp on products for your skin and hair, but only drop the dough if the stuff actually works.
A corporate job will make you crazy, but it will never make you rich.
You can do good AND make money, and flip the bird to anyone who says otherwise.
When all else fails, close the laptop.
It feels good knowing my worth.
I love being my kids’ mom, but my womb is closed for business.
Going out on a bar crawl with your husband does wonders.
Some people will say they love you and never mean it. Love, at it’s core, is an ACTION.

And at 40, I’ve finally got the body I’ve always wanted, without surgery…yet. Still not ruling out that boob job…
Thanks, all of you, for making my dream career come true. There is no place I would rather be morning, noon and night.