Black female baby boomers grew up in a time where race relations in America were tense. Many black women of this generation are very hesitant to date interracially or marry interracially. I interviewed J.B., a fellow Pink Pill sister who is 62 and interracially married. She discusses her upbringing–remembering the tumultuous 1960’s with the Civil Rights movement in full force, assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Martin Luthor King.
While she was raised in humble surroundings in the projects of New York, her father had an MBA and exposed her to culture, high-achieving black professionals, and private school. Like most black women, she thought that she would marry a black man with the qualities present in her father’s character. Problem was, as a highly educated attorney, she struggled with finding black men who fit her expectations.
JB living her best life on vacation in Temecula wine country
Then she found her husband while both were professors at a university. He remained persistent and they married in the late 90’s. At first, J.B. was somewhat reluctant to be seen out in public with her partner. “It still seemed so taboo,” she recalls. Over time she realized her expectations for a quality partner transcended race and took the advice of Martin Luthor King Jr.–judge people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
Twenty years later, J.B. is still happily married to her non-black husband and has a few words of encouragement for other black women of her generation who may be reluctant to take the plunge to explore interracial dating and marriage.
Question for baby boomers: Have you had conflicting feelings about interracial dating and marriage because of the generation you grew up in and the history you witnessed? Hopefully, J.B.’s story gives you some hope!
If you’re interested in dating interracially, InterracialDatingCentral has many potential mates in this age category. Countless marriages have happened that would not have otherwise.
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