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Light-skinned Women Are Naturally Dominant? OK, I’ve Heard It All

There is a corner of the internet, a deep, dark, and dank corner. In this corner reside a congregation of people (mostly men) who believe that Beyonce’s song ‘Girls(Who Run the World)’ is actually an accurate description of the world, rather than a carefully crafted pop-ditty that was written by a man (The Dream) to provide yet another opportunity for King B to shake her booty at your videophone. Alas, these congregants are confused. But luckily for us, their confusion can be turned to blog fodder for us all to enjoy!

At Jezebel.com writer Erin Gloria Ryan has dissected a particularly entertaining comment from the dark corner. A person who goes by the screen name ‘walking in hell’–don’t you dare laugh!–has bestowed a nugget of wisdom to the internet:

If one thinks about it, the misandry and divorce problem are problems that occur in countries where the women are light-skinned–mostly Northern Hemisphere Western Contries, and where the governments are atheist or were atheist.

Problem countries are Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, United States, France, Britain, Ireland, Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, etc. In short–the West. Light skinned women are by nature more dominant and controlling. If you combine that with a culture that encourages bad behavior, you as a man are doomed. (emphasis mine)

While Western European countries definitely have their problems–how many articles have you read pondering which eurozone country will abandon the euro? Will it be Greece?–they are still some of the best nations in the world, hands down, for women and men to live. Anyone who thinks Germany is a ‘problem country,’ despite its being one of the most financially and socially stable nation’s in the EU, while lauding places that are objectively dangerous for women to live, like the Congo and Afghanistan, is surely not playing with a full-deck.

But what really sticks on my craw is the insinuation that light-skin equal = dominant and controlling–‘by nature.’ What nature? Does he mean by ‘genetic nature’? Has a gene been discovered that makes people more prone to dominance? I must have missed when the academy made that announcement.

Walking in hell continues:

So the misandry problem is problem of genetics and culture. We can see the genetic differences in the United States. Asian Women divorce their husbands at a much lower rate then the other racial groups. The exception in America is the American Black Women (But isn’t she exceptional, after all)? I mean native African Women have very little resemblance to American Black Women). Also notable is that among marriages between American White Men and American Black Women, the divorce rate is significantly lower than the average divorce rate.

My point is this: I maintain the best wife for a white man is someone darker skinned then he is. I maintain that the best culture for the white man and his wife is a man-friendly culture. For example, a white man and Mexican woman living in Mexico; a white man and Thai Woman living in Thailand; a white man and a Morracan Woman, living in Morraco; a white man and Turkish Woman, living in Turkey. This strategy neutralizes the light-skinned genes, and at the same time neutralizes the cultural influences.

This is all so confusing. Let me get this straight: “White” equals “dominance”, but this only applies to white women; thus, white women are dominant, but white men are not dominant, er, well, white men are in fact dominant, but only when they are surrounded by non-white people and there are few white women around to wrest control from the white man. Make sense? Nope, doesn’t make sense to me either.

Time to get serious. The ‘Deep, Dark, and Dank’ corner of the internet is actually a men’s right’s blog (I think thats what it would technically be called) but I believe the site would more accurately be described as a ‘support group for divorced/divorcing men’–don’t get mad at me for calling it that, I read another man who regularly reads that site call it that, and since the shoe seemed to be fitting, I’m going to let the site wear it. I also think that walking in hell’s comment was one of the loonier comments I’ve seen on that site (and yes, we get our share of loons here too).

Of all the reasons I’ve seen given for promoting swirling/interracial dating, “neutralizing the white genes” is one of the funniest–or the craziest–I’ll let you decide.

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