Author Spotlight

HUGE Thanks to Brenda55! She’s Our Fairy Godmother Angel.

I’ll bet you don’t know that Brenda55 is “The Benefactress.” She’s the one who donated 15 copies of “Is Marriage for White People?” so that young women on this board have the opportunity to think differently and exercise their options.

Brenda55 has also been the largest contributor to the NWNW “Map Your Future” campaign, giving $500!

I know Brenda55 is a quiet giver, but I can no longer keep to myself what a wonderful and generous person she is, and you all should know that someone out there really cares about YOU.

Thanks Brenda55, hat’s off and “She’s a Jolly Good Fellow.”

Now I know this in no way equals what she’s given to us, it’s just a token of my appreciation. The necklace is an Angela DeMarco original, made of Venetian glass:

The key is often used to symbolize and opening–a way out. You, Brenda55, are the key.

Love, love, love to you.

(BTW, please email me your shipping info and I’ll have this in the mail on Monday.)

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