Black Women's Empowerment

New York Times and Brookings Institute Gives Bad News About Black Men

The New York Times reported last week that black men fare no better even when raised in wealthy families.

Black boys raised in America, even in the wealthiest families and living in some of the most well-to-do neighborhoods, still earn less in adulthood than white boys with similar backgrounds, according to a sweeping new study that traced the lives of millions of children.

White boys who grow up rich are likely to remain that way. Black boys raised at the top, however, are more likely to become poor than to stay wealthy in their own adult households.

Surprisingly, no such income gaps occur when black women are raised in such environments.

Then, The Brookings Institute boldly announced on Twitter than black women do just as well as white women economically–unless she is attached to a black man. True story, bro.

Specifically, Chetty et al. show that black men born to low-income parents are much more likely to end up with a low individual income than black women, white women, and—especially—white men. As they write:

“We conclude based on the preceding analysis that the black-white intergenerational gap in individual income is substantial for men, but quite small for women. It is important to note, however, that this finding does not imply that the black-white gap in women’s individual incomes will vanish with time. This is because black women continue to have substantially lower levels of household income than white women, both because they are less likely to be married and because black men earn less than white men.” (p. 23)

Clearly, a shift in the action plan is needed. No more discussions about the WHYS of all this. That time has come and gone. Perhaps this quote from a fan will crystallize the importance of this data:

“Chris, good morning. The New York Times article and The Brookings Institute report are 2 of the most important pieces of information for 2018 – their importance is on par with the Moynihan study from the 1960’s and Ralph Richard Banks’ book “Is Marriage for White People.” I was absolutely startled by all this information – I did not realize the full extent of the socio-economic problem. And you are absolutely correct that the “why” cannot be black women’s primary concern, especially for single black women and black women who do not have sons. Black women have to marshal ALL our best options right now – that is our imperative. This is a black male problem, and black males will have to figure this out. Whether they do or they don’t, I’m not going down with that ship.”

But on this blog, I will not discuss it, nor in any public forum. I have found that too many people invested in keeping black women in a delusion (both men and women) will go to great lengths to silence my message, and will stop at nothing. That includes doxxing my private information, stalking my children, and impersonating my social media pages in order to spread chaos and discord. I presented a one-hour lecture in our private Pink Pill Facebook group. Access to this group requires a commitment from you as well. It is time for black women who are ready to win to operate in stealth and in less public spaces. If you are a black woman and you are exhausted of the perpetual struggle and want to commune with other black women to strategize ways to win, enroll in the course here.

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