Swirling Singles

O Canada!! Dani’s Six-Month Online Dating Experiment

The racial climate in a lot of places in the US seems to negatively impact the market for black women seeking to date interracially. White Canadian men are not as encumbered by historical racial issues as White American men and therefore are more likely to approach black women to establish relationships.

So as many of you know, a dating experiment involving our neighbors to the north has occurred, based on the premise stated above. This all started back in April with Sophia’s comment here – https://www.beyondblackwhite.com/question-of-the-week-losing-weight-resulting-in-non-black-women-haters/ (paraphrased):
“Well, this white woman used to work at a high end matchmaking agency.  She cornered my friend to inform her that there is an interesting trend going on in Toronto that she (the white woman) simply cannot understand.  A sizable percentage of her clients in her portfolio (around 35 high value men) had a DISTINCT preference that perplexed her.  My friend asks her “what type of preference do you mean?” The drunk white woman says “Well…their preference was…you”.  These men wanted black women.

She said it was a problem because they were no black women candidates that this agency could match them up with so her job was to sell them on other types of women they did have on file.  Of course that didn’t work cause men have their preference and a lot won’t be talked out of it.”

Thus, the task was simple: create a Canadian dating profile and then compare the interest from Canadian men to that received from US men on a separate US profile.

Dani’s experience:
After working with Paul Carrick Brunson (see https://www.beyondblackwhite.com/matchmaker-paul-carrick-brunson-put-to-the-test-bbw-crew-member-review/) last fall, I maintained my Ok Cupid profile, but was not having very much luck. In fact, in six months I’d given my number to four guys from the site and gone on a date with one! Very few of the men who contacted me met my basic criteria for returning contact: I found them attractive, some sort of active Christian affiliation was present, and they possessed a college degree / long-term career.  Initially I would message men because Paul really encouraged me to do so, however I rarely got responses and the responses I did receive were tepid and apathetic. Those men made no effort to carry on the interaction so I wouldn’t either. After a couple of months I just had to stop because it truly isn’t something I feel comfortable with as I prefer assertive men.

In June, I started the Canadian profile and boy, what a difference!! The biggest one is that online dating seems to be a preferred way for men to meet women in Canada, whereas in the States (at least in the Midwest where I am) it seems to be more of a last resort type thing or a comfort zone for socially awkward people. In just a few weeks, I estimate that I received at least double the messages from Canadian men compared to those that I got during several MONTHS from American men on my OKC account. And this is not counting “meet me” requests, I don’t have time to respond to those and would prefer a guy read my profile and message me anyway. If I had to guess, I would say I’ve probably gotten at least 20 of those.

I responded to messages using the same criteria above and corresponded regularly with about half a dozen men. Because there seems to be less of a stigma with online dating, these are just normal men, with professions, who are my peers. Which, looking back at my American profile, was surprisingly hard to come by.  I’d say I was equally contacted by white and Black Canadian men, with multiracial/racially ambiguous men making up a fair portion as well. However in the group of men I regularly conversed with, only one was white. I think religion weeded out some of the white guys, because on average white North Americans and Europeans tend to be less religious, in my observation.

I am not sure whether I will really meet a Canadian guy and things take off, due to the distance factor. The great thing about this exercise is that it got me regularly interacting with men again, thus practicing my vetting skills and getting to know people. And I’ve met guys in real life recently!  One other thought, sometimes the things one does are not meant for his or her benefit, but for the benefit of others.  Hopefully BW who are not far from the border in cities like Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, etc. can take advantage of what I’ve shared and meet great Canadian guys. If these BW are nonreligious, then there are even more guys that might be a good fit for them.

Now get out there and snag some cute Canucks!!

Follow Christelyn on Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. And if you want to be a little more about this online dating thing, InterracialDatingCentral is the official dating site for this blog.